Arka Rai Choudhuri
arkarai.choudhuri AT ntt-research DOT com

I'm currently a postdoc at NTT Research, mentored by Sanjam Garg. I was most recently a postdoc at UC Berkeley prior to moving to NTT Research.

I was incredibly fortunate to be advised by Abhishek Jain during my time as a PhD student in the ARC group, at the Computer Science department in Johns Hopkins University. During my Ph.D., I spent the summer of 2018 working with Krzysztof Pietrzak at IST Austria, and the summer of 2019 working with Nir Bitansky at Tel Aviv University.

Prior to my Ph.D., I completed my masters degree in Computer Science at Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, working with Subhamoy Maitra on some aspects of symmetric cryptography. At the time, I was hosted by Serge Vaudenay during the summer of 2015, where I worked with Divesh Aggarwal. My undergraduate degree was in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.

My primary research interests lie in the various aspects of Cryptography, and some other aspects of theoretical computer science.

In my relatively short time doing research, I've been very fortunate to have worked with an incredible set of people.

(authors ordered alphabetically as is customary in theoretical computer science and cryptography)

Unpublished Manuscripts


Professional Activities
 Program Committee: CRYPTO 2024, ASIACRYPT 2024, INDOCRYPT 2024, CANS 2023, CANS 2022

